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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Proposed Rulemaking on Personal Financial Data Rights

By November 7, 2023No Comments

On November 1, 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued a proposed rule to establish 12 CFR part 1033, to implement section 1033 of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010 (CFPA or Dodd-Frank Act). The proposed rule would require depository and nondepository entities to make available to consumers and authorized third parties certain data relating to consumers’ transactions and accounts; establish obligations for third parties accessing a consumer’s data, including important privacy protections for that data; provide basic standards for data access; and promote fair, open, and inclusive industry standards.

Under the proposed rule, the “Covered data” include:
 Transaction information, including historical transaction information in the control or possession of the data provider;
 Account balance;
 Information to initiate payment to or from a Regulation E account;
 Terms and conditions (e.g., applicable fee schedule, any annual percentage rate or annual percentage yield, rewards program terms, whether a consumer has opted into overdraft coverage, and whether a consumer has entered into an arbitration agreement);
 Upcoming bill information (e.g., information about third party bill payments scheduled through the data provider and any upcoming payments due from the consumer to the data provider); and
 Basic account verification information (limited to the name, address, email address, and phone number associated with the covered consumer financial product or service).

The covered data does not include:
 Confidential commercial information
 Information collected by the data provider for the sole purpose of preventing fraud or money laundering, or detecting, or making any report regarding other unlawful or potentially unlawful conduct;
 Information required to be kept confidential by any other provision of law; or
 Information that the data provider cannot retrieve in the ordinary course of its business.

Comments on the proposed rule are due by December 29, 2023.

For more details, please see

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