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BSA/AML/CFT Services

We advise fintechs and BaaS banks about the AML/CFT risks associated with their business, products, services, and clients and recommend custom solutions specific to the particular risks faced by each fintech and BaaS bank. This includes helping them develop and implement adequate risk-based programs to meet regulatory requirements and expectations at the fintech level and their end user accounts level related to:

  • Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
  • KYC/CIP requirements
  • Ongoing customer due diligence (formerly known as Enhanced Due Diligence)
  • Customer risk ratings
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Risk assessments
  • Policies and procedures

BERCLA Consulting professionals are seasoned professionals with deep examination experience and have been involved in numerous BaaS audits and regulatory examinations. We advise clients to ensure they stay ahead of the regulatory curve by bringing deep domain expertise and industry know-how to provide risk-based solutions to adhere to regulatory requirements and adequately mitigate AML/CFT risks.