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Outsourced Chief Compliance
Officer Services for Fintechs

The Outsourced Chief Compliance Officer services are designed for startups and early stage fintechs looking to efficiently launch and grow their business without the added burden of hiring in-house compliance specialists. Outsourcing your Chief Compliance Officer responsibilities to BERCLA Consulting can help you grow with regulatory confidence. BERCLA Consulting helps fintechs so they can focus on client acquisition and growth while understanding the criticality of the compliance function. BERCLA Consulting can help mitigate risks with a team of professionals that includes U.S licensed attorneys, former in-house general counsel, chief compliance officer and chief risk officer with experience working with fintech banks. Whether your firm is just getting started, or you are a more established finctech, BERCLA Consulting can help. We customize our services to meet your needs.

When you hire BERCLA Consulting as your outsourced chief compliance officer, you get more than just a CCO. You are getting a team of compliance experts with years of experience supporting the CCO in performing such tasks as compliance monitoring reviews, error resolution and complaint management programs, marketing reviews, new or existing products and services reviews, provide training, and much more. Our experienced consultants have the skills to interpret rules, draft policies, and handle many higher-level challenges facing your firm.